Fashion + Animals
This September, in partnership with FOUR PAWS UK, we're looking at how animals have been a source of survival, commodification and inspiration in fashion and how the industry must become kinder.

Animals are essential to sustaining the balance of nature through biodiversity. Whilst we are often in awe of animals, throughout history, they’ve also been a source of survival and arguably exploitation. The earliest use of animals in clothing dates back to prehistoric times where cavemen wore simple outfits made from the hides and skins of animals for protection. In the 21st century and this is still the case for many indigenous tribes worldwide, who live in balance with nature by only using what is needed for survival.
In Westernised fashion systems, animals are both a commodity and source of inspiration across the industry. Natural animal fibres offer benefits like being biodegradable. However, there’s growing concern about the ethics surrounding how such fibres are sourced, highlighted by the anti-fur and vegan fashion movement of recent decades.
From a design perspective, animal prints frequently appear on catwalks and in collections. Leopard print, to zebra, to snakeskin, this trend, noticeably, does not seem to fade and is still ruling the fashion world. Whether for survival, commodification or inspiration, the presence of animals in fashion is as historic as the concept of fashion itself.

All Hands On Deck! The Sustainable Development Goals and What They Mean For You

The American Pika - Climate Changes Newest Victim

Penguins Are On Thin Ice

Getting a Pet For Someone With Dementia

Circus Animals - Entertainment or Torture?

Are Cats Good Pets For Seniors?

What moral obligation do we have to animal welfare?

Vegetarian/Vegan diet: The Sunny-Side Up of it all

Is Honey Vegan?

Adopt. Don't Shop.

We accept animal violence, but we ban human abuse, yet domestic abuse starts with animal cruelty

Animals Dying for Sport

Nightmare for the Whole Family: Petting Zoos

A Cruelty-Free Life

Brands that make Animal Cruelty-Free Makeup

The Benefits of Embracing a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet

You won’t have a Second Chance, Extinction is Forever

Plenty of Fish in the Sea? Not For Long

Food for thought: Regenerative Farming and Climate Change

Overcrowding our Animal Kingdom

The Animals are our Brothers, only in this Knowledge do we Arrive at True Humanity

Our Wildlife Populations Are Plummeting

Pets aren't just for Lockdown!

The Exotic Pet Trade: Selfish not Sanctuary.

‘Acidification’: Climate Change's Equally Evil Twin

The Luxury Status Symbol of Rhino Horn

Are we to Blame for the Ethics Around Fast Fashion?

Fear The Fur: The Depiction Of Fur In Fictional Media

Animal Print: Is it Reinforcing our Dominance Over Nature?

Is synthetic the way forward

Indigenous Fashion and Veganism: Why Vegan Activists are Wrong to Target Indigenous Use of Animals

Biomimicry: Where Aesthetics Meets Science

From Fashion in Fish to Fish in Fashion

Leather, Fur & a Lot of History. The problem with Animal-Fashion.

Animal-Free Alternatives to Leather: How do they Compare?

The Influence of Animal Print

The Fur Debate: Canada Goose's New Fur Commitment

Cows Skinned Alive for Leather - Is That Blood on Your Shoes?

The Butterfly Effect: Biomimicry & Sustainability

Veganism in Vogue: The Rise of Animal-Free Fashion

The Claws Are Out! Explore Wildlife Inspired Fashion

Do You Love Animals? Then Quit Fast Fashion

Controversy surrounding the famous "Fur Issue"...

Lessons from Nature: How Biomimicry Can Reduce Fashion's Ecological Footprint

The Bloody Jungle That is Animal Fashion

The Torturous Timeline of Animals Used as Fabric

Animals - The Impact and Influence Towards Fashion