Fashion + Our Oceans
For June 2020, in alignment with World Oceans Day, we dived into Fashion + Our Oceans, to deepen
our understanding of how fashion draws inspiration from and effects our vibrant blue planet.
Scientists estimate that 50-80% of the oxygen produced on Earth comes from the ocean. 80% of life on Earth is found in the oceans, spread across countless ecosystems throughout millions of square miles covering Earth’s surface. Yet 95% of our oceans are still to be explored. Our oceans are the lungs and lifeblood of our planet, so protecting them is vital.
The Dying Coral Reefs: Are You Aware?
The Human Cost of Climate Change: How it Affects Communities Around the World
What Are the Sustainable Development Goals and How Can You Help?
Sustainable Fashion: One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s T-Shirt
The Future of our Oceans: Are we getting ‘Hung Up’ on the wrong issue?
Just Keep Recycling: How Can We Save Our Oceans From Fashion Pollution?
A Tail of Mermaids in Power
Are your clothes feeding the fish?
Ocean Plastic: Women Who Bear the Brunt, Women Who are at the Front
A Nautical Fashionista’s Paradise
A Sea of Inspiration: The Relationship Between Fashion and Our Oceans
5 Easy Steps To Help Save Our Oceans
Brands Transforming Ocean Plastic Into Beautiful Accessories
4 Ethical and Sustainable Brands that Help Save Our Oceans
Why Double Denim Should Be a Thing of the Past
From ‘Mermaidcore’ to ‘SeaPunk’
Fashion & Ocean Pollution: What Is the True Cost?
The Rise of Reusable Fashion – The Brands You Can Trust
Becoming More Conscious About Our Oceans
The Wave of Conscious Fashion That Is Saving Our Ocean
Why Minimalism is the self-help solution?
How ‘Forever’ Can Be Destructive
EnSHOREing The Fashion You Consume is Ocean-Friendly
Is Our Health Paying the Price for Our Fashion?
Ocean Friendly Changes You Need To Save Our Planet
Fast Fashion: How Trendsetters Are Killing Marine Life
How To Combat Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans
How To Respond To the Microfibre Invasion
Parley for the Course
The Impact of a Summer Splash: Swimwear is Destroying our Oceans
How fashion brands have become more eco-friendly to protect our oceans.
What Fashion Brands Are Doing to Protect Our Ocean
Sustainable Brands to Watch in 2021
Fashion in ‘The Plastic Age’
Three Negative Effects of Fast Fashion
Say No to Synthetic Fibres!
Wearing Blue Without Feeling It: How Shoes Are Made from Plastic Bottles
Three Ways That You Can Help Reduce Micro-Plastics in Our Oceans
The Fashion Pact and its Failings
The Addictive World of Fast Fashion is Fuelling Pollution
Ocean Pollution and Sustainable Fashion
The Brands Saving Our Ocean Before It’s Too Late
5 Sustainable Brands to Support World Oceans Day
5 fashion fixes that could save our oceans
Making Fashion Sustainable – 5 Ways to Preserve Oceans
Facemasks: The New Enemy of Our Oceans
How Washing your Clothes is Polluting the Ocean
How Microplastics in Our Clothes are Killing Sea Life