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Our Partners

Working Together For
A Better Future


Each month at Mindless Mag, we run a Stuff That Matters campaign in partnership with charities, brands, and organisations, working to innovate and make the world a better place.

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Mindless Mag Partnerships
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Unhidden is a socially responsible, multi award winning adaptive fashion brand for people with (and without) disabilities. The current 10 piece collection for men and women is made from 100% deadstock cloth and addresses needs from wheelchair users to cancer patients to people with stomas and dexterity conditions and beyond.

Fashion and Disability
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IZ Adaptive creates revolutionary and game changing fashion for wheelchair users. Founded by Izzy Camileri, Canadian haute couture fashion designer, IZ Adaptive is a pioneering line of fashions specifically designed for women and men who are wheelchair users, that are modern and sophisticated pieces with styles not readily available on the marketplace.

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Founded Wellness provide engaging wellbeing activities to support and inspire better employee health and wellbeing. They have a science-backed, holistic approach to sharing yoga, mindfulness and workshops to support happy functioning teams. They are passionate about bringing these benefits to everyday workplaces to create good culture.

Fashion and Culture
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Maison de Choup is the fashion brand with a mental health cause at its heart. It is a clothing platform raising awareness and creating action for better mental health across the UK using fashion as a vehicle to drive change. Maison de Choup is also partnered with YoungMinds Charity and runs the Young Creatives programme to encourage mental health discourse.

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Led by the well-known activist and founder Jonny Benjamin MBE and CEO Louisa Rose, Beyond is a UK-based, youth mental health charity. It is driven by an impassioned youth board who are determined to instil new attitudes and drive change so that young people can go ‘beyond just surviving’, with a shared goal of improving youth mental health in the UK.

Fashion and Mental health
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For our Fashion + Animals campaign in September 2021, we've partnered with FOUR PAWS UK. FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organisation for animals under direct human influence, which reveals suffering, rescues animals in need and protects them. Their vision is a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding.

Fashion + Animals
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Change Plastic For Good is changing the game in the fight against plastic pollution and the official partner for our Fashion + Plastic campaign of August 2021. Their revolutionary organic ingredient, BDP™, allows naturally occurring microorganisms in landfill, oceans and soil to consume the plastic, enhancing biodegradation in these environments. 

Fashion + Plastic

In November 2019, we collaborated with Vegan.Org to explore the relationship between fashion and veganism and to raise awareness of World Vegan Month. Their logo is a registered trademark for products that do not contain animal products or by-products and that have not been tested on animals. It has become the most trusted vegan logos in North America.

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In November 2019, we collaborated with Viva! to explore the relationship between fashion and veganism and to raise awareness of World Vegan Month. Viva! is the UK’s leading vegan campaigning charity, specialising in undercover investigations and high-profile animal campaigns, for a kinder, more sustainable world for humans and animals.

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In October 2019, we partnered with Chasing The Stigma for our Fashion + Mental Health campaign, to coincide with World Mental Health Day. Chasing the Stigma is a national mental health charity that is committed to normalising mental health, creating an environment of understanding towards mental health, through their Ambassador of Hope training.

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In October 2019, partnered with No Panic for our Fashion + Mental Health edition in October 2019, to coincide with World Mental Health Day. No Panic offers advice, support, recovery programs and help for people living with phobias, OCD and any other anxiety-based disorders, supporting people in managing their condition and work towards recovery.

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In September 2019, we partnered with Extinction Rebellion 

to investigate the relationship between Fashion + Climate Change, at a time when Greta Thunberg was addressing the world with her emotionally charged speech at the UN Climate Action Summit. They focus on using collective action to drive forward campaigns that address climate breakdown.

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