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Rifkhan Jabir

Climate Chaos: Are we prepared for the Consequences?

Sea levels are increasing, oceans are becoming warmer, Crops, animals, and freshwater resources are at risk from longer and more severe drought, and extreme weather events become more frequent and and intense. Climate Change is impacting our lives and planet in unparalleled ways. The impacts of climate change are already being felt over the world. Many people and governments around the world are sluggish to act on the impacts of climate. If we do not take any actions to reduce the emissions of gases and adapt to changing climate it is likely to become more severe in the upcoming years.

What causes Climate Change?

Climate change is caused by many factors, both natural and human made. However, for the last few decades, activities done by human is the main driver for climate change. The main cause of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide , and methane gas into the atmosphere. Global temperature increases as a results of these gases absorbs solar heat.

The burning of fossil fuels like coals, gas and oils, is also a main factor of greenhouse gas emission. These fuels are utilized in generating power, transportations, heating, and industrial activities. Change in land use and Deforestation has reduced the absorption of carbon dioxide by soil and trees, which also contribute towards climate change.

Climate change is also driven by natural variables such as volcanic activity, ocean currents, variations in solar radiations, and the Earth's orbit, However, these factors unlikely to account for the recent, rapid increase in global warming. The majority of climate scientists believes that human activity is the main contributor to climate change.

Consequences of Climate Change

The increase in global temperature is one of the visible effect on climate change. The rise in temperature is causing more severe and frequent heat waves, wildfires, and droughts, which is having disastrous effect on food productions, ecosystems, and human health. In addition to that, the rise in sea levels due to melting of ice glaciers and polar ice caps, which is caused by global warming, is leading to flood and erosion of coastal areas and destroying infrastructures.

Human health is affected directly and indirectly due to the climate change, For example, exposure to extreme heat can result in dehydration, heart stokes, and other health related issues. poor air quality resulting from air pollution can lead to respiratory illnesses. In addition to that changes in temperature, precipitation, and extreme events can change the number and distribution of disease carrying insects like mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks, leading to an increase risk of illnesses like dengue fever, malaria, and lyme disease.

The impact on food productions and supply are another significant consequences of climate change. Dying of crops, and natural water getting scarce due to rise in temperature and extreme weather events becoming more common. This may lead to increase in price and shortages of food, which may have a significant impact on global food supply. And also, changes in rainfall patterns are likely to impact the productivity of the agricultural systems, as some places may experience higher droughts while others may experience floods.

Wildlife and ecosystems are also being impacted by climate change. Several ecosystems are in danger of collapsing, and species are going extinct at an alarming rate, due to frequent and intense storms, heat waves, drought, flood, rising sea levels and melting glaciers. This will have a severe impact to the world including everything from the availability of clean water to agriculture.

In spite of these consequences, many of the societies and countries are not prepared to face the impacts of climate change. There is lack of knowledge and understandings on the risks and impacts of climate change, which makes it hard to build public support for climate crisis. And also many countries lack of financial and technical resources to implement climate change or to make investments in low carbon emission technologies.

The consequences of climate change are becoming more severe and the world is not adequately prepared to deal with these. A lot more work has to be done, even while some considerable progress has been achieved in terms of lowering greenhouse gas emission and developing adaptation strategies. We must take climate change seriously and work together to reduce its effects and build resilience to the consequences that cannot be avoided. It is time to recognize the seriousness of the climate change, and that the impact are too high to be ignored. Before it's too late, we must take action right away.


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