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Detox Your Mind With Self-Care


CW: This article mentions mental health, loneliness, depression, and anxiety which could be distressing to some readers.

This article will discuss mental health, what it is and what causes it. Then I'll describe what self-care is, the many sorts of self-care, and several examples of self-care. I'll also share my own personal experience with mental health.

What Mental Health Is

Mental health is the state of mental well-being that allows us to cope with life's stressors. It has an impact on how we think, feel, and act. It is essential throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to maturity. Mental health is a fundamental human right. Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our mental health.

Mental health does not have a single cause. However, there are a variety of variables that might increase the risk of mental illness, including trauma, medical conditions, and feelings of loneliness or isolation. Essentially, our genes, life experiences, upbringing, and environment all influence our mental health and how we think and behave in situations.

My Experience with Mental Health

Where do I begin when it comes to my mental health? It's constantly at the back of my thoughts. I'm always doubting myself. My mental health is constantly a source of concern for me. My mental health suffered the most throughout college. I was always concerned, anxious, and depressed. It led to binge eating, increased stress, isolation, and a loss of interest in my passions. And the same thing happened when I first started to go to university.

But then I started looking after myself, understanding self-care and how vital it is for you. I tried to maintain my mental health. If I needed a break, I would take a breather. Every week, I would schedule time for myself. I'd either go to the park with my cat, have a spa day, or make some art. I tried a variety of self-care activities, and the ones that worked best for me were spending time in nature, caring for my cat, making art, and visiting garden centers.

What Self-Care Is and Its Benefits

Self-care refers to the actions we do to care for our own mental health. Self-care is vital, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), since it may assist promote health, preventing disease, and helping individuals cope with illness.

Self-care can help with a variety of health issues, including:

  • Increasing energy levels

  • Burnout reduction

  • Maintaining healthy relationships

  • Anxiety and depression reduction

  • Increasing happiness

  • Stress reduction and resilience enhancement

Types of Self-care

There are 5 different types of self-care which include: mental self-care, physical self-care, emotional self-care, social self-care, and spiritual self-care. It is vital to meet them all.

  • Mental self-care entails engaging in activities that stimulate your mind.

  • Spiritual self-care is the nurture of your spirit and allows you to think bigger than yourself.

  • Physical self-care includes how often you move your body, how you fuel it with healthy food and nutrients, and how much sleep you get each night.

  • Emotional self-care is the practice of developing coping skills that will assist you in dealing with your emotional well-being.

  • The goal of social self-care is to socialise. And how much face-to-face socialisation you get.

Examples of Self-care

There are several examples of self-care activities that we may engage in to nourish our minds and bodies. Examples include practicing mindfulness, taking a break, and doing something you enjoy, such as watching movies, reading a book, or listening to an audiobook. Have lunch with friends and make time to call your relatives on a regular basis. Going for a stroll, being hydrated, and sleeping eight hours every day. These are just a few examples of self-care; there are many more. But that will be the conclusion of this article for the time being.



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