As we are all aware, climate change is the long-term shift in temperature and patterns which has been an incredible issue in the last couple of years. What we, as humans, fail to understand is that we are the reason why our planet has gotten to this point. Or maybe, it is just that we are not willing enough to fix this. The air we breathe is polluted, the beautiful oceans are full of plastic and our animals are dying each day. And this is just a portion of the consequences that our planet suffers due to our irresponsible behaviour.
There are three different types of pollution: air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. I would like focus on water pollution and how our oceans went from looking like:
This To This
Let Start by Asking the Question: What is Water Pollution caused by?
It becomes a larger issue each year as more and more plastic, and metal is found in the water and more and more animals suffer as a result of this. Due to 70% of earth being filled with water, the seas and oceans suffer the most from all sorts of waste dumping. The lack of effective disposal systems persuades this careless throwing around and about which is incredibly sad to see. The oceans have turned into a load of trash, and it is about time that something needs to be done about this. I am sure that most of you have heard of climate change and water pollution as two separate environmental issues. However, in this article, I would like to make all of you aware how they link to one another and how damaging water pollution is to our planet.
How Does Ocean Pollution Contribute to Climate Change?
There are many negative impacts that water pollution has on earth that results in, climate change. One of these tragical problems is the manufacturing of products, specifically, products that contain the usage of. Of what you may ask. The number one reason for water pollution; Plastic. We can see that there is plastic thrown in the oceans and in the forests and think 'If we stop throwing them around, plastic pollution will not exist.' It is sad to say that it is not this simple. So, let's find out why.
As we can see water pollution is a definite contributor to climate change, which means that if we do not stop polluting the water, climate change will never end resulting in animal extinctions, wildfire frequencies, lack of portable water and food, as well as deaths and illnesses in humans due to extreme heatwaves, floods, and storms by 2050. Although, this is such a massive problem, it is not talked about enough on TV or social media, resulting us to believe that ' If we don't talk about it, then it is not real.' But it is real, and it will only get worse if we do not start educating ourselves and making a change in our actions and treatment towards the environment that will at least be a step to saving our home. Be mindful, be aware and believe that we can do this together. I believe in you. You are important. And remember even a small step can help.