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Why Reducing Inequalities is an Important SDG to Work Towards?

Amy Stevenson

The Inequalities That Exist Currently

Unfortunately, inequalities are ever existing in our society. This is because wealth is held by a small amount of people which leads to financial and social discrimination. Millions of people have died or been pushed into hunger and poverty because governments have not invested in public healthcare, protected worker’s rights, or provided safety nets for people who cannot work. For equality, all must have access to this prosperity regardless of gender, race, religious beliefs and economic status. As the entire world will prosper when every individual is self-sufficient. Where a few years ago we were working towards reducing these inequalities, we took a major step back due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is because the effects of the Pandemic have intensified social exclusion. In 2020 among 18 countries, two-thirds saw the rates of relative low-income increase. Not only are there financial inequalities but also social ones. Around one in five people, have experienced discrimination against their human rights such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability and sex.

The Goals That Have Been Set

To reduce these inequalities, goals have been set with the aim of eventually getting rid of inequalities altogether. One of these goals is 2030, to promote and empower economic, social and political inclusion to all no matter what their age, race, disability, sex, origin, religion or economic status. Another goal is to ensure equal opportunity for all and reduce inequalities of outcome. This will be achieved by eliminating discriminatory laws, practices and policies and instead promoting appropriate legislation, action and policies. These are just a few of the goals set out that call for nations to reduce inequalities in income as well as those based on age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status within a country.

How Countries Are Already Working Towards Reducing Inequalities

In Egypt, there is an ongoing effort to invest in women's empowerment. They are doing this because even though the country is making major reforms to stabilise the economy, stimulate growth and create better opportunities for the people, only 23 per cent of women participate in the labour market. This is in comparison to men at 67 per cent. By advancing women’s inclusion in economics and politics, it will contribute to the 2030 goal.

Azerbaijan has seen COVID-19 as an opportunity to push a digital transformation of its social services and the healthcare system. Due to restrictions such as social distancing, the government are finding new ways for people to interact with each other. Therefore, the improvement of public service delivery to people is seen as an SDG accelerator that can boost the 2030 agenda. This is because by improving the accessibility of public services to the people, less inequality there is.

Things we can do to help reduce inequalities

So what can we do to play our part in the fight towards the end of inequality? Well there is many activities we can take part in. We can support local and global charities who help fight against inequality such as Oxfam. Oxfam is a global movement who are working to end the injustice of poverty. They do this by tackling the inequality that keeps people poor.

You can also raise your voice against discrimination. Stand up for what is right. Everyone is equal no matter what their sexual orientation, race, gender, physical abilities and social background.

Favouring inclusive companies is also a way you can fight against inequality. Support companies that have an inclusive workforce and pay their staff right. Buy fair trade products which allow the farmers fair pay for their products/ services.

Visit your local minority community centres, orphanages and shelters and volunteer with them. Work with these places to help reduce inequalities.

You could take political action by running a voting campaign as one of the main contributing issues to the rise in inequality is the lack of representation of underprivileged and minority groups in the government. Therefore, these groups need their engagement and representation on these institutions raised and this can be done through voting registration education.

These are just a few ways you can take action to fight against inequality. As we need to reduce inequality to create opportunity. So lets take a stand today. Lets work towards reducing inequality to make the world a more prosperous and harmonious place.



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